Selain itu ada beberapa tips bisa termotivasi kapanpun dan dimanapun:
In addition there are a few tips can be motivated when and where:
In addition there are a few tips can be motivated when and where:
1. Selalu konsisten
=> always consistent
=> always consistent
Kemudahan timbul dari kebiasaan. Motivasi pun sama. Ia memerlukan
kedisiplinan sehingga Anda terbiasa hidup dengan motivasi. Ada ungkapan
bagus yang mengatakan, “Sesuatu yang Anda ulangi tiap hari selama 21
hari akan menjadi kebiasaan”. Saya anjurkan Anda untuk mempraktekkannya.
Mulai dengan hal yang sederhana seperti tersenyum dihadapan cermin,
mengatakan “Yes” sebelum bekerja, dan banyak lagi.
Ease arises from the habit. Motivation is the same. It requires discipline, so you get used to living with motivation. There is a nice phrase that says, "Something that you repeat every day for 21 days will become a habit". I encourage you to practice it. Start with simple things like smiling in front of a mirror, say "Yes" before work, and more.
Ease arises from the habit. Motivation is the same. It requires discipline, so you get used to living with motivation. There is a nice phrase that says, "Something that you repeat every day for 21 days will become a habit". I encourage you to practice it. Start with simple things like smiling in front of a mirror, say "Yes" before work, and more.
=>be responsible
Anda perlu seseorang yang bersedia mengingatkan Anda untuk tetap
berada di tujuan. Ia bertugas memberikan dukungan dan menjadi mitra
bertukar pikiran bagi ide dan gagasan yang Anda punya. Dari sini Anda
akan merasa bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan yang terbaik baginya.
Proses mencapai tujuan menjadi lebih mudah dengan hadirnya seseorang
yang menjadi cermin diri Anda.
You need someone who will remind you to stay on purpose. He was assigned to provide support and be a partner to brainstorm ideas and the ideas you have. From here you will feel a responsibility to provide the best for him. The process of achieving goals becomes much easier with the presence of someone who is a mirror of yourself.
3. Kelilingi diri Anda dengan orang-orang yang bervisi sama
=>Surround yourself with people who envisions the same
=>Surround yourself with people who envisions the same
Kalau Anda mau menurunkan berat badan, pastikan Anda bersama
teman-teman yang mempunyai tujuan sama. Kalau Anda ingin membangun
bisnis, bertemanlah dengan orang-orang yang sudah berkecimpung di dunia
bisnis atau mereka yang mau memulai bisnis. Anda bisa memperoleh energi
dan motivasi dari mereka. Akan sangat mudah untuk termotivasi ketika
Anda memperoleh support. Apa yang Anda rasakan sebagai rintangan ketika
bekerja sendiri bisa teratasi dengan bantuan dan dukungan teman-teman
yang bervisi sama.
If you want to lose weight, make sure you are with friends who have similar goals. If you want to build a business, friends with the people who have been in the business world or those who want to start a business. You can obtain the energy and motivation from them. It would be very easy to be motivated when you are getting support. What you perceive as an obstacle when working alone can be resolved with the help and support of friends that same vision.
If you want to lose weight, make sure you are with friends who have similar goals. If you want to build a business, friends with the people who have been in the business world or those who want to start a business. You can obtain the energy and motivation from them. It would be very easy to be motivated when you are getting support. What you perceive as an obstacle when working alone can be resolved with the help and support of friends that same vision.
4. Fokus pada proses, bukan tujuan
=> Focus on process, not a destination
=> Focus on process, not a destination
Ini yang sangat penting. Seringkali Anda turun mental ketika
dihadapkan pada kesulitan mencapai tujuan. Fokuslah pada proses. Setiap
proses memerlukan waktu. Entah cepat, entah lambat. Tujuan Anda sudah
jelas, namun perjalanan menuju kesana bisa berliku dan naik turun.
Dengan fokus pada proses Anda terhindar dari beban mental karena
sekarang Anda memegang kendali atas proses itu sendiri, bukan
dikendalikan oleh target untuk mencapai tujuan.
It is very important. Often you down mentally when faced with the difficulty of reaching the goal. Focus on the process. Each process takes time. Whether fast, some slow. Your goal is clear, but the journey to get there can be winding and up and down. With a focus on the process you avoid the mental burden because now you have control over the process itself, rather than controlled by the target to achieve the goal.
It is very important. Often you down mentally when faced with the difficulty of reaching the goal. Focus on the process. Each process takes time. Whether fast, some slow. Your goal is clear, but the journey to get there can be winding and up and down. With a focus on the process you avoid the mental burden because now you have control over the process itself, rather than controlled by the target to achieve the goal.
Sekarang Anda lebih tahu bahwa motivasi merupakan kunci untuk meraih
sukses. Yang Anda perlukan sekarang adalah kemauan kuat untuk
menerapkannya di kehidupan sehari-hari. Seperti apa kata pepatah “Ada
kemauan ada jalan”. Selamat mengerjakan dan jangan lupa hargai diri Anda
disetiap momen keberhasilan sekecil apapun itu.
Now you better know that motivation is the key to success. All you need now is a strong desire to apply it in everyday life. Like what the saying goes "There's a willingness there is a way". Congratulations and do not forget to appreciate yourself in every moment of success no matter how small it is.
Now you better know that motivation is the key to success. All you need now is a strong desire to apply it in everyday life. Like what the saying goes "There's a willingness there is a way". Congratulations and do not forget to appreciate yourself in every moment of success no matter how small it is.
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