"Kebahagiaan itu di ambil bukan menunggu ia datang menghampiri"
Happiness was taken not to wait for it to come over to
Happiness was taken not to wait for it to come over to
"Seseorang hanya butuh satu atau dua keberhasilan dalam hidup"
Someone just needs one or two of success in life
Someone just needs one or two of success in life
"'Sok tau or sok bijak or sok tua' merupakan sebuah pujian"
Knowingly or quasi-wise OR old ass' is a compliment
Knowingly or quasi-wise OR old ass' is a compliment
"Bersyukur merupakan cara berterima kasih yang paling dipercayai TUHAN"
Grateful is a way of thanking the Lord's most trusted
Grateful is a way of thanking the Lord's most trusted
"Kehidupan hanya baik pada orang yang berfikir"
Life is only good in people who think
"Seberapa kelam masa lalumu, masa depanmu masih suci"
How dark your past, your future is still sacred
"Agar hati tidak terluka, jauhkan diri dari mendengar yang keji, jauhkan diri dari melihat yang buruk"
So that the heart does not hurt, distance himself from hearing the vile, distance himself from looking bad
So that the heart does not hurt, distance himself from hearing the vile, distance himself from looking bad
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